Southwest Oilfield Products

High Quality Consumables

Southwest Wash Pipe and Packing

Premium wash pipes are manufactured for all swivels to precise tolerance with the same superior wear-resistant surface as the Grayloy piston rod.

High-quality fabric and rubber-molded wash pipe packing is also available.

Packing and Gaskets for Triplex and Duplex Pumps

Packing and gaskets for Triplex and Duplex PumpsSouthwest Oilfield Products, Inc. offers a wide range of gaskets and packing materials for use in drilling pumps. Gaskets are made of various elastomers and rubbers depending on the application. New high-temperature elastomers are now available.

Hydraulic Seat Pullers and Kits

  • Pulls seat safely, quickly, and efficiently no chance of damage to seat deck
  • A complete line of puller heads for any brand seat
  • Split-jaw heads for full-open seats; J-hook heads for stem-guided seats
  • All sizes API and Non-API


(800) 392-4600



7903 Breen Road
Houston, Texas 77064